18 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

Think about that ...

Think about that ...

Think about that ..
Most of the night in a black
Have caught the eyes of the sun.
Işıldamış in the clouds
Dağılmışım flesh.
Çukurovasının have caught the green purple hair
Seeds have caught the love in his heart ..
Açmışım one spike at the foot of one life.
Koşmuşum rains
Terlemişim handfuls of face
I've loved Islanmışım a life ..
Think about that ..
Red hypnotized you love on a night ..
Excited wiggling a heart,
Düşünki ..
Have caught a rain cloud sky blue dye.
Yağmışım ..
Land of mud have caught Lepe Lepe
The feet pics bottom
Each step of the ezilmişim chewed ..
Flower pots have caught life.
Kokladığında boğulmuşum breath ..
Düşünki ...
I have caught a moment
Embrace of the sun have caught your hair little by little.
Düşünki ..
Islanmışım have caught the river water river flesh.
Have caught the heart of Love
Everything fell in love with me ..
Düşünki ..
I've loved, but ...
The two words "I love you" is not
GOD is love nurunda Sevdanın a
Love the angels.
Sevda heaven
And for the sake of göndermişim me to hell ..
Düşünki ..
I've loved as much as faith.
Think you sevmişimmm ..
No one dare fire.
Serpmişim handfuls of water that my skin ...
I got orders from the shell of the devil, even love ..
Think about that ..
I made a rebellion for more than
Think about it he said that he loves you
Sevda kaldırmışım even rebellion ..
Hell wall of the world, örmüşüm
Sin, wearing a ring on my neck
Hell I asmışım wall
Damlanmışım feet fire burned in my brain.
Think about that ..
I've loved you overnight
On the pitch-dark yağmışım the world.
The eyes of the stars involved in the seas buried
Love is at your feet have caught.
Step-by-step ezilmişim soil has been
It rained on me
Mud was çiğnenmişim
No fertility günahlanmışım.
If fire for the sake of
I am ready to burn to burn the am.!!
Think about that ..
I've loved it.
Recently I love the sun have caught your shadow ..
Saying I love you.
Not two words.
GOD is love nurunda Sevdanın a
Love the angels
Sevda heaven
And my life hell for the sake of göndermişim
Düşünki ..
I've loved you.
Every moment of life ....

(The walls are visible heavenly love in every aspect of the world have caught the flames themselves even let me tell you ... you, it's a life that I have caught. Weak zerreni I do not ...)

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