18 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

Penny penny I paid the price of love ...!

Penny penny I paid the price of love ...!

Against the wind, fire dances.
Passed forward to the ways of love inside me.
Smokings like every road stretched to infinity,
These roads again, I was the passenger,

My love was the way you walk,
Sooner or later, I knew this love yorulacaktı,

Why so far away from the range,
Eziliyorsun you walk yourself stuck in the feet,

Way to go to get your head does not break.
Hang out after they arrive,
Objectives away,
Longing reach, do not reach.
Was greater than my faith in love,
I was distracted from more ..
I feel like myself before you want to arrive at,
Not formed to myself ..!

Imagine that tomorrow.
Chapped hands in the morning,
Patience is running out, but
Will be in the morning, tomorrow we knew would come.

An old soul is melted in his right mind,
The heart of childhood is a small,
Filled with the presence of my heart,
You would see what you love ..

I believe in the purity of a child,
Had come to think of a life,
I was in love with the last rays of ...

I imagined a lifetime for us,
And I love yaramazlığında pictures of a child.
I look across my heart waiting.
You love shuts his eyes in pictures.

After a hug goodbyes sake,
Know before you go saying for the last time at a coffee chattering.
I would do my heart coffee.
Smokings köpürürdü acting like coffee,
You set a cup of coffee for the sake of forty years,
I downloaded the weight of the load on my back.
You're sipping your coffee.
Drag me to the bottom of Hell ..!

Sake, for the sake of love is mixed with coffee,
The value of a penny did not
You would not know that much,
I've paid pennies penny ...!

Wind, fire, wrapped courageous heart,
Embers of burning embers,
Breath would smell more than my brain,
I already gave you my breath,
You never knew ..!

That moment when he stood,
Hourglass was empty,
Needed to reverse,
I did not dare.
Because now leaning against children,
And I grew up in love with me,
I raised you did not ...

Every child grows with excitement.
The world's roads ran,
Think about the rest.
I left my heart in between these children.
And I grew up in childhood,
Life Running hearts,
Now you see the skipped approaching death,

In fact, not a sign of any life ..
You're not coming in death ..
I'm the one who you are inside.
That leads to death in the mine.
There has been an outgoing only
Remaining in the sarılmamıştır love ..

You do not know that much ..
I'm penny penny more than the price I paid ...!!

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